Marion County

Earn less than $25.00 per hour as an early childhood educator in Marion County. This includes Directors, Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Floaters or Family Child Care Home educators. Work in a licensed or license-exempt child care program (center or family child care home) Be employed at least six months at this...

Osceola County

Earn less than $25.00 per hour as an early childhood educator in Osceola County. This includes Directors, Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Floaters or Family Child Care Home educators. Work in an Early Learning Coalition of Osceola County School Readiness or VPK contracted site and be on the ELC's approved participant list....

Hillsborough County

Earn less than $25.00 per hour as an early childhood educator in Hillsborough County. This includes Directors, Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Floaters or Family Child Care Home educators. Work in a licensed or license-exempt child care program (center or family child care home) Work in a School Readiness or VPK site...

Broward County

Earn less than $25.00 per hour as an early childhood educator in Broward County. This includes Directors, Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Floaters or Family Child Care Home educators. Work in a licensed or license-exempt child care program (center or family child care home) Be employed at least six months at this...