Early Childhood Educator INCENTIVE$ Florida, administered by the Children’s Forum, rewards early childhood educators with financial payments based on their level of education and sustained employment in participating counties. INCENTIVE$ works alongside other quality initiatives to help educate, retain, and provide additional supports for the early childhood workforce. The program also helps foster more stable relationships and positive outcomes for young children in our state’s early learning programs.
INCENTIVE$ is an affiliate of Child Care WAGE$®, licensed by Child Care Services of Chapel Hill, NC. The program is funded through collaborations with local early learning coalitions, children’s services councils, and private contributors. These collaborations allow INCENTIVE$ to address professional development efforts and early educators’ salaries, without affecting the center or program’s budgets or parent fees.
To learn more about INCENTIVE$, including becoming a participant or funder, contact us at 888-352 4453 or incentivesquestions@thechildrensforum.com.
Click here to check out the national Child Care WAGE$® Project video and learn more about this amazing program!