You may be eligible for INCENTIVE$ in Osceola County if you meet the following criteria:
  • Earn less than $25.00 per hour as an early childhood educator in Osceola County. This includes Directors, Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Floaters or Family Child Care Home educators.
  • Work in an Early Learning Coalition of Osceola County School Readiness or VPK contracted site and be on the ELC’s approved participant list.
  • Be employed at least six months at this same child care program at the time of employment confirmation
  • Work in your program at least 20 hours per week with children birth to 5 years of age
  • Have at least one of the education levels listed on the INCENTIVE$ Scale (from a regionally accredited college)

*All INCENTIVE$ stipend payments are contingent upon funding availability. Please direct any funding related questions to your local Early Learning Coalition.